Caring for Nature: King Ashoka and the garden of herbs (A lesson from history about trees and plants and their benefits)

  • Author(s): Subhadra Sen Gupta
  • Size: 180 mm x 240 mm
  • Pages: 24
  • Binding: Paperback
  • Language: English
  • ISBN: 9788179934470
  • Cover Price:

    Rs.150.00 / US $11.00

  • Special Price: Rs. 135.00 / US $10.00

Book Details

Keshav and his sister Parvati work in a herb and spices garden at the Sanchi monastery. One day, while tending to the plants, they meet a mysterious stranger. He says he is a monk keen to learn the benefits of various herbs. But he looks more like a warrior! Will the brother-sister duo be able to unravel the secret of the stranger’s identity?

Caring for Nature is a series of four titles, where each book revolves around a historical figure that inspired us to appreciate, nurture, and protect the natural world.

Other titles in the series:
Bapu and the Missing Blue Pencil
Rao Jodha and the Curse of the Hermit
Tagore and the Song of the Crazy Wind


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