Wind Power: Practical Aspects
Book Details
Climate change is one of the biggest challenges of 21st century. In the pursuit to combat climate change, renewable energy is seeing a boom in growth. Wind energy is leading the way as it offers a sustainable option. Harnessing energy from the wind and turning it into electricity has many advantages. It does not lead to air or water pollution.
Wind Power: Practical Aspects focuses on developing wind power projects in India. It covers factors such as the selection of suitable sites, wind turbines, erection, and commissioning. The book also analyses and explains estimation of energy and cost. Various departments and organizations involved in the process of project approval and implementation are included in detail. The book explains grid management, repowering, development of offshore wind power projects and wind–solar hybrid power projects. Probable accidents in wind power projects, remedial measures, important statistical data of India and the world are also covered.
Target Audience
Researchers and Students, Planners, Investors, financial institutions, developers, contractors, construction engineers, erection engineers, commissioning engineers and operations and maintenance staff, engaged in wind power sector
Table of Contents
1. Wind Energy: A Way Out to Combat Climate Change by Public Awareness and Participation
Climate Change and Disasters
Global Efforts
India’s Initiatives
Development of Renewable Energy in India
Way Forward
2. Wind Energy: Nature’s Gift
Wind Power History
Wind Power: Advantages and Challenges
Trends in Wind Turbine Sizes and Technology
World Scenario
Indian Scenario
3. Basic Technology of Electric Power Generation from Wind
Electrical Output, Turbine Variants, and Interdisciplinary Interdisciplinary Design
Configurations of a Wind Turbine
Power Curve
Betz’s Law
Regulation of Turbine Speed and Output
Bearing Arrangement
Lighting Protection and Safety
Braking System
Twisting of Cables
Protection Against Extreme Temperatures
Communication and Control
Supervisory Control and Condition Monitoring System
4. Suitable Sites
Wind Resource Assessment Programmes in India
Wind Monitoring Mast
Frequency Distribution
Wind Power Density Maps of India
Wind Data Sharing Policy 2017
Wind Power Potential of Site
5. Project Approvals, Government Incentives, and Finance Arrangement
Guidelines for Development of Onshore Wind Power Plants Approvals
Transition from Feed-in Tariff to Tariff-based Competitive Bidding
Changing the Business Scenario for Investors
Financial Institutions
6. Selection of Turbine and Energy Estimation
Technical Particulars
Wind Resource and Land Features
Roughness Classes and Lengths
Survey of India
Micro-siting of Turbines and Layout of a Wind Farm
Selection of Turbine and Energy Estimation
Forecasting and Scheduling
Methods of Wind Power Forecasting
Software Packages for Wind Power Development
7. Project Cost and Tariff
Total Project Cost
Operation and Maintenance Cos
Wind Energy Tariff
8. Project Implementation
Land Acquisition and Allotment
Approach Road and Internal Roads
Preparatory Civil Construction Works at Site
Tower Foundation: Loads on Tower and Types of Towers
Considerations for Cyclone-prone Areas
Considerations for Earthquake-resistant Design
Factory Acceptance Tests|
Transportation of Equipment to Site
Field Tests
Electric Power Flow from Wind Electric Generators to Main Grid
Sequence: Concept to Commissioning
Remote Monitoring
Documents and Records
Safety Aspects in Site Activities
Operation, Maintenance, and Checks/Inspection
Warranties/Guarantees and Insurance
Training of Staff
Security Staff
9. Grid Management
Development of Indian Power Grid
Challenges Imposed by Wind Energy in Transmission of Power
Large-scale Integration of Renewable Energy
Green Energy Corridor and Renewable Energy Management Centres
10. Role of Mnre , Niwe, State Nodal Agencies, and Regulatory Commissions
Ministry of New and Renewable Energy
National Institute of Wind Energy
Wind Turbine Testing
State Nodal Agencies
Electricity Regulatory Commissions
11. Repowering of Old Wind Power Projects
Policy for Repowering of the Wind Power Projects
Repowering Opportunities
Challenges in Repowering
Layout of a Wind Farm with New Turbines
Cost Estimation
Study of Muppandal Wind Farms for Repowering
Repowering Wind Power Projects in India
Repowering Wind Power Projects in Europe
12. Offshore Wind Power Development
Cost Economics
Global Scenario
India: Scope, Challenges, and Planning
13. Grid-connected Wind–Solar PV Hybrid Systems
Policy Initiatives by Mnre for Large Wind–Solar Hybrid Systems
Layout of a Wind–Solar Hybrid Power Plant
Wind–Solar Pv Hybrid System
Large Capacity Wind–Solar Pv Hybrid Project
Indian Scenario
Small Wind–Solar Pv Hybrid Systems
14. Technology Advancement Including R&D
Emerging Technologies and Concepts
R&D Organizations
Organizations Engaged in Research of Airborne Turbines
High Rating Wind Electric Generators
15. Failures in Wind Turbines and Remedial Measures
Breakdowns or Forced Shutdowns
Failures and Their Cost
Failures, Causes, and Damages
Remedial Measures
Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition and Condition Monitoring System
16. Important Facts and Figures
Appendix 1: List of Wind Turbine Models Issued by NIWE
Appendix 2: Wind Turbine Models Included in the RLMM After Declaration of New Procedure on 27 10 2016
Appendix 3: Standards of Wind Turbines
Appendix 4: Important Websites of Wind Power Organizations
Appendix 5: Transporters of Long and Heavy Equipment by Road in India
Appendix 6: Crane Hiring Agencies in India
About the Author
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