Surviving Disasters: Chika and the Angry Ocean (Tsunami, Folklore, Miraculous Survival)

  • Author(s): Suroopa Mukherjee
  • Size: 120 mm x 180 mm
  • Pages: 64
  • Binding: Paperback
  • Language: English
  • ISBN: 9788179935149
  • Cover Price:

    Rs.150.00 / US $11.00

  • Special Price: Rs. 135.00 / US $9.00

Book Details

On 26 December 2004, while the world was resting after celebrating Christmas, tsunami struck the Indian Ocean and took Andaman & Nicobar Islands under its spell. Chika, the little boy of the Onge tribe, was warned by the old man in the forest about the ocean rising and swallowing the Earth. The old man's traditional wisdom and Chika's presence of mind saved the lives of the people he loved from the dreadful sway of the killer waves. This story is about Chika's courage, sacrifice, and above all, of the life-wisdom of the Onge tribe!

Other titles in the series

  • Indrani’s Adventures in Plunderland (ISBN: 9788179935163)
  • Pari’s Fight against a Nuclear Threat (ISBN: 9788179935156)
  • Salim's Journey through Hell (ISBN: 9788179935132)


About the Author

Suroopa Mukherjee teaches literature at Delhi University. She also enjoys writing fiction for children and young adults. Her stories combine high adventure and serious issues. She admits that writing for children is rewarding, because children are sharp critics and genuine fans.

Table of Contents:

  • Prologue
  • Father Rodrigues’ diary entries
  • Father Rodrigues’ first testimonial
  • Chika’s return
  • A decision and a dilemma
  • Father Rodrigues’ second testimonial
  • The accusation
  • The evidence
  • Yet another testimonial
  • The clue
  • Giayangejebey
  • The revelation
  • The judgement day
  • Epilogue


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