Surviving Disasters: Salim’s Journey through Hell (The Never-ending Saga of the Bhopal Gas Tragedy)

  • Author(s): Suroopa Mukherjee
  • Size: 120 mm x 180 mm
  • Pages: 84
  • Binding: Paperback
  • Language: English
  • ISBN: 9788179935132
  • Cover Price:

    Rs.150.00 / US $11.00

  • Special Price: Rs. 135.00 / US $9.00

Book Details

Adventure takes place inside a defunct, killer factory in Old Bhopal, 24 years after the Bhopal Gas Tragedy took place. As Salim and his friends make their way through the ghost like remnants of the industrial disaster, time seems to stand still from that fateful night of 1984. What happens next is a saga of the renewed search for truth by the blighted children, born to the survivors of the Bhopal Gas Tragedy.

Other titles in the series:

  •     Chika and the Tidal Waves (ISBN: 9788179935149)
  •     Indrani’s Adventures in Plunderland (ISBN: 9788179935163)
  •     Pari’s Fight against a Nuclear Threat (ISBN: 9788179935156)

Table of Contents:

  • The boy who never cried
  • Grandma’s story
  • Sorrow
  • My small family
  • My B-I-G family
  • Allah’s factory
  • Gathering support
  • Our secret plan
  • A truly scary story
  • Justice
  • Explore the tunnel
  • Treasure hunt!
  • Grandma’s terrible nightmare
  • The adventure begins
  • The chamber of hell
  • Run for your lives!
  • Getting close to answers
  • Search for the final clue
  • Hangman’s noose
  • Grandma’s revelation
  • The file room
  • The day Hasmukh cried
  • Epilogue

About the Author

Suroopa Mukherjee teaches literature at Delhi University. She also enjoys writing fi ction for children and young adults. Her stories combine high adventure and serious issues. She admits that writing for children is rewarding, because children are sharp critics and genuine fans.


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