World Digital Libraries: An International Journal (WDL)
Book Details
World Digital Libraries is an international peer-reviewed biannual journal. The journal seeks quality research papers that present original theoretical approaches. It also seeks experimental case studies related to digital library developments, maintenance and dissemination of digital information focusing on research and integration of knowledge at the interface of resources and development. The journal will, therefore, keep readers abreast with the current developments and contain articles, reviews, current developments, and case studies, encompassing the following areas.
- Theoretical and methodological issues that relate to the interrelationships among electronic resources management, digital preservation, multiple access, multilinguality, copyright issues, and security aspects.
- Theoretical approaches as well as experimental case studies related to digital library development and maintenance.
- Initiatives towards digitization through lucid case studies.
- Current developments across the globe.
- Dialogues between the scientific community and society at large.
Table of Contents
- Theoretical and methodological issues that relate to the interrelationships among electronic resources management, digital preservation, multiple access, multilinguality, copyright issues, and security aspects.
- Theoretical approaches as well as experimental case studies related to digital library development and maintenance.
- Initiatives towards digitization through lucid case studies.
- Current developments across the globe.
- Dialogues between the scientific community and society at large.
- Short title (10 words is the desired maximum length), subtitle (if desired)
- Author’s name, affiliation, full postal address, and e-mail, telephone, and fax numbers (respective affiliations and addresses for co-authors should be clearly indicated)
- Abstract (not exceeding 200 words)
- Main body of the text, suitably divided under headings
- Acknowledgements, if any
- References
- Appendices (each on a separate sheet)
- Tables (each on a separate sheet)
- Figures (each on a separate sheet)
- Commentaries (research notes and short communications) and case studies (maximum 5,000 words)
- Book reviews (maximum 1,200 words)
- Tables, figures, illustrations, should be on separate sheets.
- Retain a backup disc for reference and safety.
World Digital Libraries is an international peer-reviewed biannual journal. The journal seeks quality research papers that present original theoretical approaches. It also seeks experimental case studies related to digital library developments, maintenance, and dissemination of digital information focusing on research and integration of knowledge at the interface of resources and development. The journal will, therefore, keep readers abreast with the current developments and contain articles, reviews, current developments, and case studies, encompassing the following areas.
Articles should examine concepts, analyses, and case studies of important issues in the field. Book reviews should be of recent publications in the field, to be reviewed by an independent reviewer.
Commentaries should discuss critical issues in the field.
Authors are requested to send a soft copy (in Microsoft Word format) of their contribution to the editor, either in a CD or as an e-mail attachment.
All submissions will be peer-reviewed using the criteria of originality, accuracy, and quality of contribution in these fields.
Presentation of Manuscripts
Articles must be original, in English, and should not exceed 8,000 words. The main text should be double-spaced with headings and sub-headings clearly indicated in the text. All tables, figures, and equations should be numbered in Arabic numerals and clearly cited in the text. All measurements should be in metric (SI) units. The manuscript should be arranged in the order given below.
Shorter Items
The following shorter items are also welcome and must be typed in the same way as major articles.
In-house Style: References
In the text, the surname of the author(s) followed by the year of publication of the reference should be given, for example, (Hall 1993). In case of several publications by the one author or by a group of author(s) in one year, use notations ‘1993a’, ‘1993b’, and so on. Up to three authors can be mentioned in text references; more than three authors should be limited to the first three authors’ names followed by ‘et al.’ References must be listed alphabetically at the end of the paper (double spaced) and should conform to the following style.
For journals
Davis G R. 1990; Energy for planet earth; Scientific American 263(3): 55–62
For books
Carmichael J B and Strzepek K M. 1987; Industrial Water Use and Treatment Practices; London: Cassell Tycooly. 291 pp.
For chapters of edited books
Sintak Y. 1992; Models and projections of energy use in the Soviet Union; In International Energy Economics, pp. 1–53 edited by T Steiner; London: Chapman and Hall. 350 pp.
For grey literature
Togeby M and Jacobsen U. 1996; How conflicting goals concerning environment and transport influence the policy process?; Paper presented at the Conference on Transport, Energy and Environment, 3–4 October, Helsingor, Denmark
WBCSD (World Business Council for Sustainable Development) and UNEP (United Nations Environment Programme). 1998
Industry, fresh water, and sustainable development
Details available at <>, last accessed on January 9, 2004
Authors are requested to use as few footnotes as possible, and keep their length to the minimum. Footnotes should be indicated in the text by superior Arabic numerals, which run consecutively through the paper. They should be grouped in order of appearance at the bottom of the concerned page in numerical order and must be double-spaced.
Accepted Manuscripts
On acceptance, contributors are requested to provide the editor the final version of the article in soft and hard copy. Please observe the following instructions.
One set of proofs will be sent to the author before publication, which should be returned promptly within 48 hours of receipt. Authors are urged to check the proofs carefully as late corrections cannot be accepted.
Apart from one free copy of the journal to the authors, 10 free offprints will be supplied to the first author. Further offprints and copies of the journal can be purchased at a reasonable cost, if ordered when sending the final copy of the article, or when returning the proofs.
The responsibility for the contents of the paper rests with the authors, not with the editor or the publisher. Contributions are accepted for refereeing on the understanding that they have been submitted only to this journal and not to any other journal. Only when each author signs and submits the CTA (Copyright Transfer Agreement) can TERI Press publish the article. This CTA enables TERI Press to protect the copyright material for the authors, but does not affect the authors’ proprietary rights. The CTA covers the exclusive rights to reproduce and distribute the articles, including reprints, photographic reproductions, or any other reproductions of similar nature and translations, and includes the right to adapt the article for use in conjunction with computer systems and programmes, including reproduction or publication in machine-readable form and incorporation into retrieval systems. Authors are responsible for obtaining, from the copyright holder, permission to reproduce any figures for which copyright exists.
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