Smart Energy Practices for a Sustainable World: How We All Can Contribute?
- Author(s): Nina S. Godbole and John P. Lamb
- Size: 180 mm x 240 mm
- Pages: 600
- Available in: Digital format only
- ISBN: 9789394657113
- Cover Price:
Rs.1195.00 / US $84.00
- Special Price: Rs. 1075.00 / US $75.00
Book Details
Mankind has scaled unprecedented growth since the advent of the Industrial Revolution. However, this progress has come at the hefty cost of environmental degradation. Climate change, undeniably, is one of the biggest challenges of the planet Earth and is largely anthropogenic. In the modern-world context, the phenomenon of climate change is one of the most defining issues, when it comes to realizing objectives of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Climate change is not limited to geographical boundaries, it is a global problem, hence requires global solutions. It has been widely discussed and therefore has acquired centre stage across the major world forums.
Smart Energy Practices for a Sustainable World: how we all can contribute? stresses the need for us to judiciously, sustainably, and smartly harness and use energy techniques in order to effectively combat climate change. The book also gives an in-depth discussion on utilization of artificial intelligence and information technology to realize energy efficiency in various sectors of economy including but not limited to transportation, buildings, infrastructure, health care, and other services.
Text is supplemented by case studies that depict ground-level reality to facilitate comprehension of the subject matter. The appendices serve as an extended learning of the concepts discussed in the chapters. The publication would serve as a valuable reference for both scholars and researchers engaged in the domain, in addition to, being a guide to industry as well as the academic world.
Table of Contents
First Things First: Story of the Planet Earth
1. Smart, Sustainable, and Green: the mantra to save our planet
Global Warming: the phenomenon
Climate Change
Global Warming Drives Climate Change
Environment Change and Human Well-being
Energy Consumption, Carbon Emissions, Green Thinking, and Sustainable Practices
2. Smart Energy Systems and Components
How Artificial Intelligence Can Help Combat Climate Change?
Smart Appliances and Green Data Centres
Smart Occupancy Controls
Intelligent Building Controls
Smart Energy Efficiency With Simulation and Use of Digital Twins
Smart Meters/Gateways
Remote Management Systems
3. Energy Production and Delivery
Energy Generation Prediction Services for Power In-fee Renewables
Renewables’ Generation Management
Electricity Transmission
Power Line Montioring for Increased Transmission Capacity
Electricity Distribution—smart electricity networks with increased consumer flexibility
Wide Area Measurement Systems
4. Impact of Electronic Equipment on Energy Use and Carbon Footprint
Server Virtualization
Further Details on Storage and Server Virtualization
Client Virtualization
A Further Look at Reasons for Creating Virtual Servers
The Ultimate in Server and Data Storage Virtualization
Cloud Computing—the present and the future
Cluster Architecture for Virtual Servers
Green Data Centres of the Future
5. Standard Energy Use and Carbon Footprint Metrics
Carbon Footprint
Carbon Footprint Implications for Our Environment
Measuring Carbon Footprint
Metrics for Carbon Footprint
6. Smart Buildings: planning and construction
Green Buildings
Green Building Certification Programmes
Other Certifications of Green Buildings
7. Transport: smarter commuting and energy-efficient mobility
The Vision of Smart Cities
Smarter Transport Infrastructure
Global Positioning-based Management of Fleet and Routes
Telecommuting, Teleworking and Virtual Meetings
8. Electronic Commerce and Other Digital Services for Smart Planet
Dematerialization of Goods and Services: a boon to e-commerce
Electronic Invoicing and Electronic Payments
Electronic Commerce and Carbon Footprint
Electronic-government and Electronic-governance
Electronic-health/Mobile-health and Tele-medicine
Making Health Care Green: the need of our planet
9. Sustainable Practices for Green Health Care Services
Health Care Sector and Carbon Footprint
Energy Consumption in Hospitals
Quantifying the Benefits of Greening of Health Care Facilities
Green Buildings for Hospitals
Greening of Hospitals: other than building construction
10. Knowledge and Behaviour for a Smart Planet
Smarter Planet and Digital Earth from Kap Perspective
E-learning Technologies in the Context of Sustainable Development Goals
E-learning Technologies for Spreading the Awareness about Global Warming
Consumer Energy Labelling
Smart Metering
Benchmarking and Evaluation Tools
Simulation and Analysis Tools for Sustainability Testing
11. Energy Audits
Energy Audits and their Importance
Home Energy Audit
Process of Energy Audits
Energy Audits and their Types
Steps Involved in Writing an Energy Audit Report
ISO 50001 and Energy Management Systems
Working with Energy-certifying Agencies
12. Worldwide Case Studies for Green Practices
The Indian Green Building Council
A Green Hospital in India—HCwBQ Case Study
India Case Study: Monalisa Healthcare Services builds a futuristic data centre
Hospital Solid Waste Management Best Practices: a case study in Argentina
Case Studies Around the World
13. The Future for Energy Use in Our Planet
Appendix A: IT Sustainability Enablers
Appendix B: Comparison of Power Generation Methods
Appendix C: Worldwide Average Prices for Electricity Impacting Data Centre and IT Costs
Appendix D: Building (Energy) Certifying Agencies
Appendix E: Carbon Saving from the Use of Electronic Health Records
Appendix F: The Challenge of Power Theft: can energy audits reveal it?
About the Authors
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