Constraints in Achieving Sustainability of India
- Author(s): Rajesh Kumar Abhay, Deep Narayan Pandey and and Shweta Rani
- Size: 160 mm x 240 mm
- Pages: 286
- Available in: Digital format only
- ISBN: 9789394657120
- Cover Price:
Rs.550.00 / US $39.00
- Special Price: Rs. 495.00 / US $35.00
Book Details
Sustainable development and sustainability—the two interchangeable used words—are significantly attracting the world academia to analyze emerging patterns of development. The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), followed by Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), have been framed by the United Nations, suggesting the world to formulate the relevant developmental policies to achieve a sustainable future. Constraints in Achieving Sustainability of India gives an in-depth discussion on major issues and challenges India is facing towards realization of the sustainable development.
Purpose of the book is to develop, contribute, and disseminate scientific knowledge pertaining to the issues related to sustainable development. The chapters are developed so that the contents can facilitate comprehension of the major constraints in achieving sustainability including but not limited to environmental, social, economic, and governance-related issues from local, regional, to national level. Resource management, climate change, agriculture, population, education, women, poverty, infrastructure, crime, corruption, governance, are the other relevant topics that have been both identified and suitably discussed. Constraints in Achieving Sustainability of India can be utilized as a guiding tool for realizing sustainability in development, especially, in the Indian context.
The book covers environmental, social and economic dimensions of sustainability in Indian context with ample case studies from local communities to highlight impact of various dimensions.
Table of Contents
- Introduction and Overview
- Sustainable Development: concept, components and history
- Environment, Culture, and Sustainable Development: a historical perspective
- Management and Rural Livelihood Sustainability in High Mountain Villages of Garhwal Himalaya, Uttarakhand
- Evaluating the Role of Agro-forestry in Combating and Adapting to Impacts of Climate Change in the West Sikkim District, Sikkim
- Water Resource Issues and its Sustainable Management in Urban Villages of South Delhi
- Population Dynamics and Sustainability Issues in the Indian Himalayan Region
- Gendered Occupations or Occupational Genders: a study of Kolkata metropolis
- Urban Rurality, In-betweenness of Place and Urban Planning Process of Khora Colony, Uttar Pradesh
- Critical Role of Higher Education Institutions in Achieving Sustainable Development in India
- Perspectives on Public Health Policy and Sustainable Development Goals in India
- Sway of Indian Cinema in Diffusing Environmental Sentience
- Poverty Lines and Poor in India: a trend analysis from 1983-84 to 2004-05
- Sanitation Workers and Associated Problems for the Sustainability of Religious Events: a case study of Magh Mela, Prayagraj
- Assessment of Basic Infrastructure Development and Associated Issues in India
- Assessing Urban Basic Services, Crime and Well-being in Low-income Housing of Shiv Vihar, JJ Colony, Delhi and Way to Sustainability
- Corruption in India and Sustainable Development Goals: mapping the role of law and good governance
- Principles and Challenges of Good Governance in Achieving Sustainability of India
About the Editors
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