Treatment of Urban Solid Waste: Engineering and Integrated Management
Book Details
This book describes treatment of urban solid waste with reference to the principles or steps of ISWM especially in the Indian context. Both engineering and management practices have been discussed in detail. Characteristics of urban solid waste are influenced by the economic and social status of the generators and the climatic conditions. Therefore Indian scenario of the generation and treatment of urban solid waste is explained in the backdrop of international status. Since the field is an interdisciplinary one, environmental and public health issues are also addressed. Latest technologies as well as current rules and regulations applicable in India are compiled for ready reference.
Table of Contents
1. Introduction
1.1 Preamble
1.2 Classification of Solid Waste
1.3 Composition of Municipal Solid Waste
1.4 Rate of Generation of Waste
1.5 Public Health and Environmental Aspects
1.6 Integrated Solid Waste Management
1.7 Urban Solid Waste Management Problems in Developing Countries
1.8 Legal Aspects of Solid Waste Management in India
2. Integrated Solid Waste Management for Urban Solid Waste
2.1 Preamble
2.2 Definition and Organization
2.3 Comparison of Conventional and Integrated Solid Waste Management Systems
3. Separation, Collection, and Transportation of Solid Waste
3.1 Preamble
3.2 Separation and Storage of Solid Waste
3.3 Collection and Transportation of Solid Waste
4. Characterization of Urban Solid Waste for Selection of Treatment Process
4.1 Preamble
4.2 Physical Properties
4.3 Chemical and Energy Properties of Msw
4.4 Biological Properties of Msw
4.5 Energy Content of Solid Waste
5. Treatment of Municipal Solid Waste
5.1 Preamble
5.2 Aerobic Biological Treatment of Municipal Solid Waste: Composting
5.3 Anaerobic Biological Treatment of Municipal Solid Waste: Biogas
5.4 Thermal Treatment of Municipal Solid Waste: Waste to Energy
6. Engineered Sanitary Landfill for Municipal Solid Waste
6.1 Preamble
6.2 Waste Categories to be Allowed for Sanitary Landfill
6.3 Components of Sanitary Landfill
6.4 Environmental Issues of Landfill
6.5 Aspects of the Landfill Process
6.6 Types of Landfills
6.7 Landfill Design
6.8 Landfill Operation
6.9 Landfill Bioreactor
6.10 Cover Design and Closure Planning
6.11 Worked-Out Examples
7. Management of Electronic Waste
7.1 Preamble
7.2 Definition
7.3 E-Waste Generation
7.4 Composition and Changing Nature of E-waste
7.5 Environmental Contamination Associated with Disposal and Recycling of E-waste
7.6 International Conventions and E-waste
7.7 Regulations
7.9 Guidelines, Current Practices, and Research for Treatment and Disposal of E-waste
7.9 Public Attitude Regarding Generation and Disposal of E-waste
8. Treatment and Management of Plastic Waste
8.1 Preamble
8.2 Problems Related to Plastic Waste Management
8.3 Current Practice is Harmful to Environment
8.4 Recommended Management Guidelines
9. Treatment of Biomedical Waste
9.1 Preamble
9.2 Rate of Healthcare Waste Generation
9.3 Components of Biomedical Wastes as Perbiomedical Waste Rules, 1998
9.4 Waste Identification and Control Programme for Healthcare Establishments
10. Treatment of Construction and Demolition Waste
10.1 Preamble
10.2 Definition
10.3 Composition of Construction and Demolition Waste
10.4 Rate of Construction and Demolition Waste Generation
10.5 Reuse and Recycle of C&D Waste
10.6 Stationary and Mobile Recycling Plants
10.7 Initiatives for Reuse of C&D Waste
10.8 Sustainable Model for C&D Waste Management
10.9 International Status of C&D Waste Processing
10.10 Environmental Pollution Related To generation and Treatment of C&D Waste
11. Urban Solid Waste Management in Developing Countries: Challenges and Opportunities
11.1 Preamble
11.2 Urban Solid Waste Management in Developed and Developing Countries
11.3 Population and Municipal Solid Waste
11.4 Influence of Urbanization, Globalization, and Economic Growth on Quality and Quantity of Municipal Solid Waste
11.5 Urban Solid Waste Management in Developing Countries
11.6 Current Municipal Solid Waste Management Problems in Developing Countries
11.7 Suggested Remedies
11.8 Opportunities
12. Conclusion
12.1 Urban Solid Waste
12.2 Municipal Solid Waste
12.3 Integrated Solid Waste Management System
Appendix I: Solid Waste Management Rules 2016
Appendix II: E-Waste Management Rules, 2016
Appendix III: Plastic Waste (Management and Handling) Rules, 2016
Appendix IV: Bio-Medical Waste Management Rules, 2016
Appendix V: Construction and Demolition Waste Management Rules, 2016
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