Energy Security and Economic Development in India: a holistic approach
Book Details
Energy is fundamental to the economic development of a society. Ensuring energy security is critical to the security, sovereignty, and well-being of any country. However, there is no consensus on the definition of energy security. Energy Security and Economic Development in India: a holistic approach attempts to construct an appropriate definition for the concept of energy security. The evolution of energy security is traced at both the global level and in the Indian context.
This book elaborates on the concept of energy security, highlights its linkages, enumerates India’s indigenous energy resources, examines the status of energy security in the country, and makes policy suggestions to ensure energy security in the country.
Key Features
• Extensive coverage of the various energy resources of India.
• Unique focus on economic linkage between energy and economic growth.
• Detailed description of the trends in India’s energy consumption, production, imports, and exports.
• Discussion on energy efficiency and evaluation of energy-efficiency policies in vogue
• Provision of policy suggestions to improve energy efficiency and conservation.
• Analyses of the environmental impact of different sources of energy and long-lasting, adverse implications of anthropogenic activities.
• Succinct highlight on the importance of water in strategies to attain energy security.
• Systematic analyses of pricing dynamics of various energy sources.
• Elucidates the geopolitical dynamics and underpins the role of energy diplomacy in achieving energy security.
Target Audience
Professionals in academia, industry, and government interested in the rapidly evolving area at the nexus between energy security and economic development. Students and researchers interested in economic development, economic growth, economic analysis and finance.
Table of Contents
• Introduction
• India’s Energy Resources
• Trends in India’s Energy Sector: elasticity and growth
• Causality between India’s Energy Consumption and GDP
• Energy Efficiency and Conservation
• Energy and Environment
• Water for Energy
• Energy Pricing
• Geopolitics and Energy Diplomacy
• Policy Framework
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