Why Should I Recycle? A smart kid's guide to a green world
- Author(s): Aanchal Broca Kumar
- Size: 210 mm x 290 mm
- Pages: 48
- Binding: Hardback
- Language: English
- ISBN: 9788179934500
- Cover Price:
Rs.225.00 / US $16.00
- Special Price: Rs. 202.00 / US $14.00
Book Details
Do you know that the amount of waste generated everyday on Earth, in cities alone, is enough to fi ll a fl eet of trucks covering 5,000 kilometres? We have been creating and dumping waste into the environment for far too long. Well, all this waste is destroying the environment and the world we live in. The time has come when we must sit up and make amends. Small and consistent efforts will go a long way in dealing with this mounting issue. Why Should I Recycle? helps us understand the principle of Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle to ensure that we play our part in making the world a cleaner, healthier, and better place.
Table of Contents:
- Think before you throw!
- Dealing with waste
- It’s all in the ground!
- Trash that can harm
- The deadly e-waste
- The 3Rs
- Reduce – Cut it out!
- Reuse – It’s still not trash!
- Recycle – Make it new again!
- What “can” and “cannot” be recycled?
- Turning “old” into “new”
- Look for the “loop”
- It all begins at home
- 3Rs at school
- Let’s make a compost pit!
- Let’s make recycled paper at home!
- Let’s get active!
About the author:
Aanchal Broca Kumar has done journalism from Lady Sriram College. She has been writing and editing for the past 10 years and has developed content for many publishing houses, magazines, and newspapers. Her body of work is richly diverse, spanning travel and tourism, health and wellness, and education. Anchal has co-authored two coffee table books and authored six children’s books. Also to make learning rich, involving, and fun for children, she has converted many NCERT curriculum chapters into comics.
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Press Release by "Dainik Bhaskar" Press Release "NBT Newsletter" Review by "SpeakingTree"