International Conference on Digital Libraries (ICDL) 2013: Vision 2020: Looking back 10 years and forging new frontiers
- Author(s): Shantanu Ganguly and P K Bhattacharya
- Size: 220 mm × 280 mm
- Pages: 1178
- Binding: Paperback
- Language: English
- ISBN: 9788179935545
- Cover Price:
Rs.1695.00 / US $119.00
- Special Price: Rs. 1525.00 / US $107.00
Book Details
ICDL conferences are recognized on of the most important platform in the world where noted expert share their experiences. Many DL experts have contributed thought provoking papers in ICDL 2013. These important papers are reviewed and conceptualized into ICDL on different areas of DL proceedings. The Proceedings have two volumes and has over 1100 pages.
Target Audience
Table of Contents
- Digital Media and Interactivity byP Anandan
- e-Infrastructures and Digital Libraries - an Exemplar Perspective into R&D towards European Infrastructures Supporting Scientific Communities in Knowledge Societies by Matthias L Hemmje
- We Built it Now What? Exploring Uses of University of Houston Digital Library Content by Michele Reilly
- Building Digital Libraries in Africa: Current Developments by Felix N Ubogu
- Building Future Capacity through Effective Digital Library Strategies to Thrive in a Rapidly Changing Information Landscape by Gurdish Sandhu
- L-Crowd: A Library Crowdsourcing Project by LIS and CS Researchers in Japan by Atsuyuki Morishima
- Building Digital Repository of NSTMIS Research Publications: A Case Study by Namita Gupta, Parveen Arora, Raman Kherterpal, T P Sankar
- Publisher Support for Self-Archiving: Laudatory or Predatory? By Denise Troll Covey
- Foundation and Development of the Global Interdisciplinary Research Network “COLLNET”: The Leading Role of India and China by Hildrun Kretschmer, Theo Kretschmer
- Role of Medical Librarians in Building Digital Communities by Nalini Mahajan
- Uses of Natural Language Processing and Information Retrieval Techniques for Aggregative Repository by Ratna Sanyal
- Inventing Knowledge: from Databases to Semantic Web by Michael Seadle
- Ontology-Based Content Management by Kavi Mahesh
- Semantic Document Representation: Do it with Wikification by Ian Witten
- Semantic Search Implementation Architecture for Information Retrieval by K Srinivas
- Natural Language Processing, Biolinguistics and Digital Libraries by Anna Maria Di Sciullo
- Logico-Linguistic Knowledge Representation for Quranic Verses by Tengku Mohd T Sembok, Mohd Fauzan Nordi, Roslina Othman, Sharyar Wani
- Multilingual Access to Diverse Digital Libraries and Archives: A Linked Data Approach by Akira Maeda
- “Deutsche Digitale Bibliothek” – Central Access to Digital Cultural and Scientific Heritage in Germany: Our Experiences and Visions by Francesca Schulze
- Permission to Archive: The Long Term of Orphaned Works by Michael Seadle
- Cultural Heritage, Scientific Knowledge, Public Information: Digital Libraries and Identity by Frédéric Blin
- Disambiguating Author Names in Large Bibliographic Repositories by Anderson A Ferreira, Marcos André Gonçalves, Alberto H F Laender
- Digital Preservation – Contributions to a Unified View by José Borbinha
- Data Curation, its Education in ILS Schools? By Yan Quan Liu
- Digital Information Discovery Systems for Universities by Paul Nieuwenhuysen
- Impact of Library Instruction in E-learning Environment: Faculty-Librarian Collaboration in an Academic Institution by Mangala Krishnamurthy
- Opportunities and Challenges in Gamifying Mobile Information Sharing by Dion Goh
- Metaservices: Where DL and DH Meet by Alejandro Bia
- A Swiss Government Open Data Portal: Success Story and Some Comments by Jean-Marc Comment
- PuntTable: a Flexible Repository System for Digital Library by Chao Lan, Yong Zhang, Chunxiao Xing
- A Framework for Semantic Annotation of Phenology Image Components by Emerson Muraro, Greice C Mariano, Nadia P Kozievitch, Jurandy Almeida,Jefersson A dos Santos, Ricardo da Silva Torres, Bruna Alberton, Leonor P C Morelatto
- Role of Natural Language Processing in Knowledge Management by Niladri Chatterjee
- Social Computing, Digital Knowledge Management and the Transformation of Space - Best Practice in Cologne Public Library, Germany by Hannelore Vogt
- Unleashing Collections and Creating the Digital Library through the Power of Institutional-Industry Partnerships by Melissa Shaffer, Meghna Modi
- Libraries: Node Zero for Knowledge Networks by Rahul Agarwalla
- Academic Libraries in the Digital Age: Problems and Prospects by Umar Maiwada
- Internet Resources in Modern Academic Libraries and Attitudes of Library Professionals by Sambhaji G Patil, Shamkant Deshmukh, Sachin J Gadekar
- Challenges and Strategies for Teaching Science and Technology Subjects in Nigeria: The Role of Digital Library by Y Haruna
- Establishing Digital Library in Universities and Other Academic Institutions: A New Challenge for Librarians of Developing Nations by Partha De
- Application of Appropriate Technologies in TERI Library and Information Centre: An Exploratory Study byReeta Sharma, T P Sankar
- Discovery and Delivery in Digital Library Era: Looking Back 10 Years and Shaping New Frontiers ~ Web Scale Discovery by S Siva Chidambaram
- Digital Library Literature: A Scientometric Analysis by Nabi Hasan, Mukhtiar Singh
- Towards the Digital Library: Initiative and Development of Visva-Bharati Library at a Glance by Sabahat Nausheen, Md Ziaur Rahman
- Moving towards the Next-Generation Library: BRAC University Experience by Hasina Afroz
- A Study on Strengthening of Digital Library and Information Management under NARS by A K Jain, P Visakhi
- Adjusting the Digital Library Wind to Reach Right Destination – Sri Lankan Prospective by Srikanthaluxmy Arulanantham
- Measurements of Information Diffusion through Internet for Technological Innovation in Manufacturing and Industrial Engineering by Shiva Kanaujia Sukula, J P Srivastava, Vrushali Dandavate, Sunil Kr Upadhyay
- X Y Generation Technological Possibilities via Digital Convergence Technologies by Prarthna Singh, Hirdyesh Kumar, Khyali Ram Chaudhary
- Digital Library Network in South Asia - A Model for Regional Cooperation by Dilara Begum
- Contribution of SAARC Nations towards World Digital Library (WDL) by Mudasir Khazer, Uzma Qadri, Huma Shafiq
- Impact of Globilization on Staffing Pattern for Digital Libraries in Comparison with the Traditional Pattern by Ajit Sagaji Sonawane, Prabhash Rath
- Problems and Prospects of the National Library of Bangladesh: A Case Study by Dil Ruksana Basunia
- Digital Manifestation of European Culture: Exploring Europeana by Huma Shafiq, Uzma Qadri, Mudasir Khazer
- Optimum and Effective Utilization of the UGC-Infonet Programme under the Campus Network Structure: Case Study of University of North Bengal by Manash Esh
- E-Governance and A2i Programme in Digital Bangladesh: Involvement of Information Professionals for Effective Information Service to Ensure Peoples’ Right to Information and Transformation in Public Administration by Md Abu Sayeed
- Reaffirming 80/20 Rule in Indian Academic Consortia by M Singson, P Hangsing
- Bulk Upload Import Middleware Program for Sustainable Populating Digital Repository by Surinder Kumar, Md Iftekhar Khan, Nikita Garg
- Access to Information at the Digital Age: Prospect and Challenge in Bangladesh by Abu Md Hannan Miah
- Electronic Information Retrieval Initiatives and Voice towards its Current and Future Service: A Case Study at the Library of the University of Sri Jayewardenepura by G D M N Samaradiwakra, P G R Samarakravickrama
- Intelligent Library Systems: Artificial Intelligence Technology and Information Retrieval by Rama Nand Malviya
- Necessity of Cloud Computing for Digital Libraries: Bangladesh Perspective by M Monirul Islam
- Metadata Harvesting on Ayurveda and the Open Archives Initiative in Present Electronic Environmentat CCRAS Library by G.Gnana Sekari, Shweta Dhingra
- Semantic Tools for the Digital Libraries by Shriram Pandey, K C Panda
- An Ontological Semantic Approach towards the Diseases of Blood, Heart and Circulation: A Prototype Model by Abhijit Dasgupta
- Transition of Digital Library in a Web Enabled Environment: from Semantic to Social Semantic Digital Library by Nihal Alam, Ranjan Karmakar
- An Ontology-based Digital Library Content Management System (aODLMS): Its Benefits and Expectations by B P Singh
- Semantic Web Scale Discovery Services in Indian Libraries by M R Rawtani, Parveen Babbar
- Digital Library Development and Management
- Digital Library Technology, Architecture, and Application
- Digital Library Research Projects Initiatives
- Globalization and Digital Library
- Design and Development of Interoperable Institutional Digital Repositories among Indian Institutes of Technology in India: A prototype byB Sutradhar
- Psychological Assessment of the Attitudes towards IPR Infringement: A Case Study of Faculty of humanities University of Kashmir by Refhat-un-nisa, Asmat Ali
- Digital Rights Management: an Obstacle for Information Access by Monika Sharma, Neetika Sharma
- Legal Implications of Digital Libraries by Sidhant S Kondarwar
- Development of Digital Libraries in the IPR Regime by M Natarajan, Ranjan Karmakar, Shakuntala Devi Solanki
- Digital Rights Management: Issues for Digital Libraries by Parul Zaveri
- Patent Information System in Digital Era: A Recent Trend by Ranjan Karmakar, P Sandhya Krishna
- Convergence and Preservation in the Digital Age byHeather Brown
- Digital Preservation of Information Resources in Academic Libraries in Nigeria by Attahiru Saminu
- Digital Preservation & Access Management in the Digital Libraries of Technical Universities of Odisha: A Survey by Sanghamitra Dalbehera
- Culture Lost and Culture Regained: Healing the Wounds of Cultural Heritage using Digital Technology, Initiatives in a Conflict Zone, Kashmir by S M Shafi, Sumeer Gul, Tariq Ahmad Shah, Humma Ahangar, Shahkar Riyaz Tramboo, Suhail Ahmad
- Digital Preservation of Electronic Resources: Issues, Challenges and Opportunities by Satish Kumar, Anil Kumar Mishra
- Socialization of Cultural Heritage through Digital Libraries in University Information Environment byStoyan Denchev, Irena Peteva
- Institutional Repository Open Source Software Packages: A Comparative Study by Shazia Khan, Saima Khan
- Distance Learning Education: the Process of Transferring Knowledge to Learners byGunjan Gupta, Shyam Bihari Gupta, J. K. Mishra
- Open Courseware Repositories: An Analysis of Content Diversity and Visibility by Zahid Ashraf Wani, Adil Ahmad
- User Study of E-Resources Available in K. K. Wagh Institute of Engineering Education and Research, Nashik by Prakash Bodke, Shraddha Gaikwad
- Use of Electronic Databases: A Study by Shaini Gopinath A, A Gopikuttan
- E-Learning: An Innovation in Imparting Education by Neelkamal, Poonam
- e-Lending in Libraries: Evidence and Experience from OverDrive’s Sustainable Global Digital Lending Platform by Johanna Brinton
- URLs Link Rot: Implications for Electronic Publishing by D Vinay Kumar, B T Sampath Kumar, D R Parameshwarappa
- Comparative Analysis of Commercial Databases & Public Domain Resources: A Study by Priya Rai, Akash Singh
- Electronic Resources in Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Library, Hyderabad: An Analytical Study by N Rupsing Naik, A Madhava Rao
- Use of 3G Services among the Students of Pondicherry University: A Survey byR V Rekha, P Magesh
- Development of Usability Assessment Tool for Library Website Evaluation by Ankur Pant
- E-research Support Desk: A New Genre in E-reference Services by Ahmed Taha
- Awareness, Use and Impact of Electronic Information Services by the U.G. and P.G. Students at JNMC Library, AMU Aligarh, India by Tanveer Haider Naqvi
- Use of Information Communication Technology by Students, Faculty Members and Academic Staff in ITM Group of Institutions, Gwalior, India by Jyoti Bhatnagar, SK Wasim Haidar
- Adoption of Digital Library Services by Students and Hindrances to Use in Nigerian University Libraries by J S Opaleke, G O Babafemi
- Digital Services in Academic Libraries: A Case Study of the TERI University and Scandinavian Libraries by Bharati Paliwal
- Dealing Strategies and Outcomes for the Difficult Patron in the Library Environment by Muhammad Tufail Khan, Aneela Zahid
- Use and Impact of Mobile Phone for Library Management Enhancement by G Vinu Prasad, H C Nagarathna, K S Chudamani
- Mobiles, Users and Libraries: March towards New Dimensions of Effective Library Services in the 21st Century by Amit Kumar, R K Bhatt
- Utilization of Mobile Devices by the Research Scholars of Calicut University: An Analytical Study by Mahjabeen Aydeed, Jalaja V
- Designing an Open Access E-Journal Catalogue: A CMS for Libraries Working in the Same Domain by Khaisar Muneebulla Khan, Naveen C Mathad
- Open Access Journals in the Field of Education: An Informative Study by Fayaz Ahmad Loan
- Open Access Initiatives for E-Journals by Mangala A Hirwade, Sangita R Chore
- Use of E- Journal on Health Sciences –Ophthalmology through Directory Open Access Journal: A Study by Madan Lal Jat
- Citation Analysis in Open Access World: A Case Study of Health Science Open Access Repositories by Zahid Ashraf Wani, Tariq Shafi
- Central Open Access Repository: an Initiation for Open Archives in Nepal by Jagadish Chandra Aryal
- Long Term Preservation of Multimedia Objects through Digitization: Exploratory Study at RRI by B M Meera
- Visibility of Video Sharing Sites by Popular Search Engines by Zahid Ashraf Wani, Tawfeeq Nazir
- Collaboration to Support the Enterprise 2.0 Interaction with Library Users by M P Singh, Hariom, Ashis Kumar Shukla,
- Acceptance of Social Networking Tools by the Female LIS Professionals: A Developing Country Perspective by Shaharima Parvin
- Use of Social Media in AIT Library : A Study by Urmila L Jagtap, Surekha R Khare
- Adopting Facebook for the Library: A Case Study of the Library of IGDTU by Rabishankar Giri, Debal C Kar
- Scholarly Use of Social Networking Sites among Computer Science Students by Vahida Beegam T, Jalaja V
- Collaborative Knowledge Creation in Informal Networks : A Case Study of Bandra-Kurla Complex Knowledge Network, Mumbai by Vasundhara H Deshpande
- Knowledge Management Practices at Goethe Institute Libraries Worldwide by Anil Zafar
- Deriving Business Intelligence from Unstructured Data’ by Vedika Gupta
- Academic Portal: A Knowledge Management Enabler by Nirmali Chakraborty, Bikika Laloo
- Managing Enterprise Knowledge by Shyamalesh Khan, S Selvi, A K Biswal, D S Nigam
- Quality Management System at BrahMos Aerospace Knowledge Centre – An Effective Approach by Surekha Kaul, Sarita Waghate
- Mobile Based Services in Chhattisgarh: Futuristic Approach by Mohammed Imtiaz Ahmed, Mohammed Bakhtawar Ahmed, Debojit Das, Swati Tikam
- Digital Rights Management Approach at Central Library Integral University, Lucknow by Ekta Bajpai, Neelam Prasad
- Moving Beyond Library Automation: Role of Digitization in Academic Library by Mrunal S Barki, Kishore M Dhumne
- How an Online Library Newsletter is Developed at Linde Engineering India: A Case Study by Nisha Bhandari
- Changing Role and Job Satisfaction Level Issues between the LIS Professionals in the Digital Era by Bharti
- Digital Preservation: Concept, Strategy and Challenges by Vikreshwari Dangwal Bhatt, Y S Verma
- Journal Acquision in Libraries: Application of Supply Chain Management Principles by K S Chudamani, H C Nagarathna
- Information Storage and Retrieval in Digital Library: Nigerians’ Perspective by Samaila Adamu Dangani
- Availability and Usage of Electronic Resources through UGC Infonet Digital Library Consortium in North Eastern
- Hill University (NEHU), Shillong by Kh Premoda Devi, Jyotika Borthakur
- Knowledge Management: Best Practices followed by DLIS, Gujarat University by Geeta Girish Gadhavi
- Impact on Electronic Publishing in Academic Libraries by K C Gangadhar, Chethana V, Pratibha S.N
- Virtual eon and Library Services; a practical perspectives by Anand S Gawadekar
- Understanding E-Learning by Babita Gaur
- Institutional Repository Access: A Case Study of IICT, CSIR by Gayatri D
- Will the Digital Library Sustain as a Social Capital for Dissimination of Information? : A Conceptual Discourse by Saptarshi Ghosh
- Knowledge Management: Tools and Components by B M Gohel, R.D.Parmar, N.B.Gohel
- Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) An Internet for Physical Objects by Gunjan Gupta, Shyam Bihari Gupta, J K Mishra
- Digital Library: its Use & Application by Radha Gupta, Anuradha Gupta
- An Overview: Information and Communication Model by Asheesh Kamal
- Perspectives of Change Management in Digital Library by Keshava, Shilpa S Uplaonkar
- “Digital Commons” & Adopt Promotional Tools to Create Awareness among Library Users by Muhammad Tufail Khan
- KashCul: towards Preserving Cultural Heritage through Digitization by Nadim Akhtar Khan
- Role of Libraries in E-Learning by Sunaina Khanna, Seema Sood
- Information Communication Model by Ibajanaishisha M Kharbudon
- Institutional Repository: its Relevance in Digital Era by Ashwani Kumar, M P Singh
- Digital Preservation: Requirement of 21st Century by Parveen Kumar
- Digital Libraries: Components, Services and Management by Sumeet Kumar, Rashmi
- Web Based Library Alert Service: A Study by B Kumara, Rajalaxmi A Govanakoppa, Devendrappa T M
- Web 2.0 through Blog in College Library: An Experience by S A Kulkarni
- Management of Print and Digital Library Collection by Premlata P Kurhekar, Neeta A Sharma
- Knowledge Management through Best Practice Transfer by Protiti Majumdar
- Total Quality Management in Digital Libraries by Ashok B Nagare
- Brothel-based Community Digital Libraries: Changing Lives of the Sex workers in Bangladesh by Md Nasiruddin, Luthfun Nahar
- Evaluation Methods for E-Learning: An Analytical Study by M Natarajan
- Engagement with Customer: A Role of Social Media by Shweta Pandey, T D Tilwani
- Role of UGC-INFONET Consortium in the Dissemination of Scholarly Information to the Research Scholars of Assam University by Nirnimesh Pandiya
- Towards Library to School library 2.0: An Introduction to Social Networking Tools for School Librarians by Sarwesh Pareek
- E-Publishing: An Analytical Approach by Pansngiat Passah
- Role E-Learning in Libraries and Information Centers: Issues and Challenges by Rama Krushna Charan Patro, Brundaban Nahak
- Development of College Libraries in India by M Ram, P N Raj
- Open Distance Learning: New Technologies and Online Learning – Role of Digital Libraries by P Venkateshwar Rao
- Marketing of Information Products and Services in Some Select NGO Libraries of Delhi and NCR in the Areas of Health, Education and Women Studies by Riyazuddin
- Information Services and Quality Management in the Field of Research Particularly Health Care Centre:
- The Concept by Indumati Samantaray
- Institutional Repository: An Initiative by NPL-KRC by Abhishek Sharma, Abhishek Yadav, N K Wadhwa
- Preserving for Generations: Role of Institutional Repositories in Digital Preservation by Prachi Shukla
- A Study of the Evolution World Wide Web and the Emergence of Library 2.0 by Mehnaz Siddiqui
- Resource Sharing through Networking: Indian Scenario by Anuj Kumar Singh
- Academic Libraries in Digital Environment: Radical Transformations by Ravindra Kumar Singh, Prem Prakash Shukla
- Role of Librarian in Knowledge Management by Sudha Singh
- Google Glass: its Use in Libraries and Issues Involved by Vijay Kumar Verma
- Electronic Resources: Advantages for Academic Library Users in Digital Era by R Vijesh
- Benefits and Issues in Migrating Traditional Print Library to Digital Library by Bhavani Viswanathan
Genesis of ICDL
Conference Committee
Contributed Papers
A. Digital Library Development , Architecture and Management
A.1 Digital Library Development and Management
A.2 Digital Library Technology, Architecture & Application
A.3 Digital Library Research Projects Initiatives
A.4 Globalization & Digital Library
B. Information Storage and Retrieval
C. S emantic Ontology Reengineering
A. Digital Library Development, Architecture, and Management
B. Information Storage and Retrieval
C. Semantic Ontology Reengineering
D. Multi-linguality, Standardization and Interoperability
E. IPR Regime and Digital Rights Management
F. Digital Preservation of Cultural Heritage
G. Open Distance Online Learning, Virtual Learning and E-publishing
G.1 Open Distance Online Learning (ODOL)
G.2 Virtual Learning
G.3 E-publishing
H. Current Trends in Digital Library Services
I. Open Access
J. Digital Multimedia & Applications
K. Collaborative Content Development & Management
L. Best Practices in Knowledge Management
Author Index
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