The Story of Clothes
(Care for your clothes. Care for the environment)

  • Author(s): Benita Sen
  • Size: 180 mm x 240 mm
  • Pages: 24
  • Binding: Paperback
  • Language: English
  • ISBN: 9788179935101
  • Cover Price:

    Rs.95.00 / US $11.00

  • Special Price: Rs. 85.00 / US $10.00

Book Details

Prehistoric people made clothes to protect themselves from harsh weather. Since then, clothing has gone through so many changes, the first users of clothes may not recognise them today. From thick animal skins to clever clothes that keep you warm in winter and cool in summer, clothing keeps getting smarter and more fashionable. Although the cloth industry makes a variety of fabrics that are made into clothes, curtains, towels, quilts, and bags that we use every day, it also uses lots of power to run the looms that make the cloth. The Story of Clothes offers smart, green solutions to practice the 3Rs to green our wardrobes. It also brings you news of green initiatives, like creating synthetic fabric from recycled plastic PET bottles and organic fabrics from soy plants.

Other titles in the series:
• The Story of Computer (ISBN: 9788179935118)
• The Story of Food (ISBN: 9788179935088)
• The Story of House (ISBN: 9788179935125)
• The Story of Paper (ISBN: 9788179935057)
• The Story of Transport (ISBN: 9788179935095)


Table of Contents:

  • Is that your skin?
  • Cover story
  • Clothes speak if you listen
  • Fibre to fabric
  • That’s also clothing
  • Clothes and hygiene
  • The finished look
  • Fashion industry
  • Eco-friendly clothing
  • Green fashion

About the Author:

A journalist and children's author, Benita Sen has written several books — fiction and non-fiction — for children and young people. A couple of her stories have been included in English textbooks by a leading publisher. And some of her stories have earned recommendations internationally. Her fact book on Polar Creatures has been recommended by a university in North America as an excellent source for individual reading and research, and her story Yakity Yak was selected for the Fifth Nami Island International Children’s Book Festival in Korea in 2010. Also, her stories find a place in compilations of well-known organizations like Association of Writers and Illustrators and National Foundation for Communal Harmony.


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