Science and Business of Carbon Forestry

  • Author(s): H S Gupta, M Yadav, M Verma, A David, U K Sharma and and C P Kala
  • Size: 160 mm × 240 mm
  • Pages: 400
  • Binding: Hardback
  • Language: English
  • ISBN: 9788179934623
  • Cover Price:

    Rs.595.00 / US $42.00

  • Special Price: Rs. 536.00 / US $38.00

Book Details

Science and Business of Carbon Forestry is a comprehensive guide on biodiversity, conservation and development, and regulation-related issues relevant to forests. It gives detailed guidance on the development, marketing, and financials related to projects in the forestry sector, with a focus on addressing problems related to climate change and forestry.

Drawing on a wealth of information from studies across the globe, this book has been authored by a multi-sectoral team of practitioners, academics, economists, and other social/technical experts experienced in carbon markets, climate protection, forestry, project development, and environmental law. The book will serve the needs of various departments and agencies of relevant forest, agriculture, and horticulture departments, and related governmental organizations and non-governmental organizations.

Key Features

    • Provides overview of climate change and forestry
    • Assesses carbon potential of forestry projects
    • Identifies thrust areas and scope of forest carbon credit business
    • Focuses on registration of forestry project in CDM or other voluntary scheme

Target Audience

    •  Undergraduates and postgraduates, researchers and  professionals of Forest Management, Climate Change, Forestry, Biodiversity
    •  Managers, officers from various governmental  departments and related NGOs dealing with forest/agriculture/horticulture  projects and other agencies that offer consultancy, monitoring, evaluation  related activities to forestry projects.
    •  Anyone interested in forest lands for GHG  management, carbon credit.
    •   Corporate environmental and sustainability  managers, investors, and auditors working with organizations that own or manage  forest land or are engaged in activities affecting forests.
    •  Those interested in understanding the  methodology part of forest carbon projects, for example, project developers,  program administrators, and investors etc.
    •  Organisations seeking to offset their carbon  emissions
    •  Brokers, law firms, environmental consultants  and analysts
    •  Government and regulatory bodies
    •  Developers and financiers of carbon forestry  projects
    •  Environmental groups

Table of Contents

    1. Implications of Climate Change
    • Introduction
    • History of Concern for Climate Change
    • Effect and Economic Consequences of Climate Change at Global Level
    • India’s Concern
    • Solutions to the Climate Change Problem

    2. Global Efforts and Mechanisms to Cope with Climate Change
    • Efforts
    • Kyoto Protocol
    • Other Provisions of Kyoto Protocol
    • Voluntary Mechanism: The Other Approach

    3. Forestry and Climate Change
    • Link Between Climate Change and GHG Emissions
    • Carbon Stock of Indian Forest
    • Contributions of Forestry
    • Role of Forest in Fight Against Climate Change
    • Global Fight Against Climate Change with Forestry Projects
    • Classification of Forestry Projects—on Scale
    • Simplified Procedure for Small-scale Projects
    • Scope of Forestry Projects in Kyoto Protocol
    • Crediting Period

    4. Voluntary Mechanisms for Forestry Carbon Projects
    • Importance of Voluntary Carbon Market
    • Some Important Voluntary Committed Markets
    • Over-the-counter Market

    5. Formulation of Forestry Carbon Projects for CDM or Voluntary Markets
    • Forestry Projects Under Clean Development Mechanism
    • Development of Forestry Carbon Project under Voluntary Mechanism
    • Conclusion

    6. Economics of Forestry Carbon Projects
    • Economic Aspect of Forestry Projects
    • Working the Economics of Forestry Carbon Project and Assessing their Viability
    • Using Economics to Assess Feasibility
    • Forestry Carbon Projects and Associated Costs
    • Conclusion

    7. Financial Aspects of Forestry Carbon Projects
    • Why Forest Carbon Projects Need Financing?
    • What the Financing Should Attempt at?
    • Typical Financial Needs of Forestry Carbon Project
    • Financial Characteristics of Forestry Carbon Projects
    • Meeting Requirements of Finance at the Country Level
    • Barriers to Financing Forestry Carbon Projects
    • Attracting Finances
    • Who all are Interested in Investing in Forestry  Carbon Projects?
    • Financial Risk and Analysis Related to Forestry Carbon Projects
    • Conclusion

    8. Marketing Aspects of Forestry Carbon Projects
    • Science of Climate Change and Business of Carbon
    • Understanding the Carbon Markets
    • Marketing of Forestry Carbon Projects for CERS/VERS
    • General Status of Carbon Markets
    • Another Estimate of Forestry Carbon Market
    • Pricing of Carbon Credits
    • Forest Carbon Price and its Implications for Forest Management
    • Promotions for Marketing of Carbon Credits
    • Future of Global Carbon Market
    • Forestry Carbon Projects—Their Status and Future

    9. Livelihood Issues in Forestry Carbon Projects
    • Climate Change and Livelihood
    • Forest Carbon Projects and their Benefits for Local People
    • Forest Carbon Projects and Sustainable Livelihoods: Provisions and the Role of Standards
    • Guidelines for Forestry Carbon Projects to Address
    • Livelihood Issues

    10. Policy and Legal Aspects of Forestry Carbon Projects
    • Background
    • The Broad Picture through Policy and Legal Framework and Forestry Carbon Projects
    • Possible Issues of Contention: Addressing Problem of Non-compliance in Kyoto Protocol
    • International Regulations
    • Required Legislations
    • Some Preventive and Pre-emptive Steps: Anticipating Regulatory Barriers
    • Other Sources of Disputes
    • Managing with these Legal Complications

    11. Forestry Carbon Projects and Biodiversity Conservation
    • Impacts of Climate Change on Biodiversity
    • Mitigation Strategies of Climate Change Effects on Biodiversity
    • Presumptive Impacts of CDM on Biodiversity
    • Biodiversity Conservation and Climate Change Mitigation Projects

    12. Adapting to Climate Change: Role of Forests and the Forestry Sector
    • Imperative for Adaptation Strategies in the Forestry Sector
    • Basic Concepts: Impacts, Vulnerability, and Adaptation in the Context of Forestry
    • Impact, Vulnerability, and Adaptive Capacity of Indian Forests and Forestry Sector
    • Framing Adaptive Responses and Enhancing Capacity of Forests and Forestry Sector
    • Synergy Between Adaptation and Mitigation in Forestry Sector
    • Ensuring Good Adaptation Practices in Forestry Sector

    13. Future Opportunities for Indian Forestry Sector: The Post-2012 Scenario
    • Developmental Imperatives for India: Emerging Issues and Scenarios
    • Emergence of REDD
    • Development without Deforestation
    • “REDD” Path of Climate Change: The Direction for the Future
    • Global Efforts to Shape REDD
    • Better Forest Management: A Win–Win Solution
    • Benefits of Ecosystem-based Approaches
    • Potential Trade-offs: Winners and Losers
    • The Governance Challenge
    • Conclusion


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