50 FAQs on Air Pollution: know all about air pollution and do your bit to limit it

  • Author(s): TERI
  • Size: 120 mm x 180 mm
  • Pages: 60
  • Binding: Paperback
  • Language: English
  • ISBN: 9788179934531
  • Cover Price:

    Rs.150.00 / US $11.00

  • Special Price: Rs. 112.00 / US $10.00

Book Details

Which substances are polluting air the most? What is the ozone hole? How much CO2 is emitted by burning 1 litre of petrol? Which country emits the maximum CO2 per person? What is BS-IV? How are climate change and air pollution related? What is the Kyoto Protocol? Which are the most and least polluted cities of India?

Know the answers to these, and 42 more frequently asked questions, on air pollution, its various aspects, and impacts.

Other titles in this series:

  • 50 FAQS on Climate Change (ISBN: 9788179935392)
  • 50 FAQs on Global Warming (ISBN: 9788179934524)
  • 50 FAQs on Renewable Energy (ISBN: 9788179935415)
  • 50 FAQs on Waste Management (ISBN: 9788179935408)
  • 50 FAQs on Water Pollution (ISBN: 9788179934593)


  • Air composition
  • Air pollution
  • Volatile Organic Compounds
  • Greenhouse effect
  • Rise of Greenhouse Gases
  • Rise of CO2 due to fossil-fuel burning
  • Global CO2 emissions per year
  • Country emitting maximum CO2
  • Country emitting maximum CO2 per person
  • Carbon footprint
  • Ozone layer
  • Depletion of ozone layer
  • Recovery of ozone layer
  • Most polluting substances in air
  • Aerosols
  • Aerosols and particulate matter
  • Automobiles and air pollution
  • Eco-friendly fossil fuels
  • CO2 emitted by 1 litre of petrol
  • Aircraft pollutants
  • BS-IV
  • Pollution Under Certificate
  • Clean fuels
  • Biodiesel
  • Hybrid car
  • Thermal power plant pollutants
  • Acid precipitation
  • Smog
  • Haze and smog
  • Worst air-pollution disaster in history
  • Trees and air pollution
  • Indoor Air Pollution
  • Impact of Indoor Air Pollution
  • Improving Indoor Air Quality
  • Cancer and air pollution
  • Climate change and air pollution
  • Measuring air pollution
  • Air Quality Index
  • World’s most polluted city
  • World’s least polluted city
  • India’s most polluted city
  • India’s least polluted city
  • WHO’s air quality guidelines
  • India’s air quality guidelines
  • Emissions trading
  • Kyoto Protocol
  • Kyoto Protocol and reduction of GHGs
  • Montreal Protocol
  • Indian laws on air pollution
  • Ways to reduce air pollution


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