Agriculture for Food, Nutritional Security, and Rural Growth
- Author(s): Vibha Dhawan
- Size: 140 mm x 220 mm
- Pages: 534
- Binding: Paperback
- Weight: 710 gms
- Language: English
- ISBN: 9788179931523
- Cover Price:
Rs.525.00 / US $50.00
- Special Price: Rs. 473.00 / US $45.00
Book Details
TERI organized an international conference on Agriculture for Food, Nutritional Security, and Rural Growth during 25–27 May 2006, in the fond memory of Prof. B P Pal on his Birth Centenary. India has made remarkable strides in agriculture, largely through the foresight, initiatives, and dedication of a very small number of outstanding leaders including Prof. B P Pal. Prof. Pal, the first Indian to become the Director of the Indian Agricultural Research Institute in 1950 and subsequently the first Director General of the Indian Council of Agricultural Research, was a titan in the field who conceptualized the strategy for the Green Revolution and launched it with outstanding success. During the conference, a wide range of subjects including lessons learnt from the Green Revolution, emerging issues in public–private partnership, current status of GM crops globally and their regulations, issues related to intellectual property, biopharming and possibility of producing biofuels, and biosecurity were also debated on. This book is a compilation of topics discussed during the conference. It will be useful to researchers, scientists, policy-makers, regulators, seed companies, and the farming community.
Table of Contents
Developing a Road Map for Future Agriculture Research
M S Swaminathan
Green Revolution to gene revolution:
biotechnology applications in crop improvement
C R Bhatia
Classical and modern gene technologies for an evolving agriculture
H K Jain
Prospects of gene revolution in India for sustainable agricultural development
S M Paul Khurana S K Chakrabarti
Agriculture and food security in the context of globalization
C R Hazra
Bio-diesel from jatropha: from vision to reality
Alok Adholeya and Deepak Pant
Technologies for sustainable crop protection
Nutan Kaushik and Vivek Sharma
The imperative of crop protection for farmers
Salil Singhal
Economic empowerment of rural India: the case of National Agricultural Innovation Project
Technology acquisition: a right model to develop products faster
Arvind Kapur
Technology acquisition: the Philippines experience
Benigno D Peczon
Application of modern biotechnology for improving livelihoods in the
semi-arid tropics: ICRISAT
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