Handbook for Franchise Development in the Rural Electricity Distribution Sector

  • Author(s): TERI
  • Size: 140 mm x 220 mm
  • Pages: 72
  • Binding: Paperback
  • Weight: 170gm.
  • Language: English
  • ISBN: 9788179931134
  • Cover Price:

    Rs.150.00 / US $12.00

  • Special Price: Rs. 135.00 / US $10.00

Book Details

Indian embarked upon an ambitious electrification goal of 100% household coverage in five years with the introduction of the RGGVY (Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidyutikaran Yojana) in April 2005. A key feature of the RGGVY relates to the franchisee model for the last-mile distribution of electricity in rural areas. This book offers an overview of the RGGVY and the different franchisee models as envisaged under the program. It is a must-read for the franchisers and franchisees, as well as the people associated with capacity building of franchisees for rural electricity distribution management.

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