International Journal of Regulation and Governance

International Journal of Regulation and Governance

  • Frequency:2 issues a year
  • ISSN: 0972-4907
  • Print Copy: Rs.1700.00 / US $140.00
  • Print + Online: Rs.2500.00 / US $163.00

Journal Details

This journal provides a forum for detailed and comprehensive investigation, analysis, and reviews in the sectoral areas of energy, water, environment, transport and communications, which confront decision-makers, planners, consultants, and researchers. It addresses issues related to tariffs, demand forecasting, competition, institutional, transitional, market structure and other related issues. Only original articles will be published


Show Abstract Issue -Vol.12(2) December 2012

  • On the Effects of Petroleum Price and Taxation System on Cost Efficiency of Oil and Gas Fields: evidence from the Norwegian continental shelf

    Hossein Attar Kashani :
    American University in the Emirates, P.O. Box 503,000 Dubai, United Arab Emirates; Email:

  • GATS and Discipline on Domestic Regulations under Pursuant of Article IV

    S N Singh
    Consultant, Planning Commission, Government of India, New Delhi
    Dr Era Upadhyay
    Assistant Professor, AITM, Lucknow
    Prof. U Sankar
    Honorary Professor, Madras School of Economics, Chennai

  • The Future of Adaptation Finance: methods and Perspectives

    Arnab Bose
    The Energy and Resources Institute, India; Corresponding author:
    Jedamiah Wolf
    The Bard Center for Environmental Policy, USA and
    Seema Sharma
    PricewaterhouseCoopers Private Limited, India

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