International Journal of Regulation and Governance

International Journal of Regulation and Governance

  • Frequency:2 issues a year
  • ISSN: 0972-4907
  • Print Copy: Rs.1700.00 / US $140.00
  • Print + Online: Rs.2500.00 / US $163.00

Journal Details

This journal provides a forum for detailed and comprehensive investigation, analysis, and reviews in the sectoral areas of energy, water, environment, transport and communications, which confront decision-makers, planners, consultants, and researchers. It addresses issues related to tariffs, demand forecasting, competition, institutional, transitional, market structure and other related issues. Only original articles will be published


Show Abstract Issue -Vol.11(1) June 2011

  • Legitimacy versus effectiveness: procedural governance integrating expertise and social acceptance of collective decisions

    Tom R Burns: Woods Institute for Environment, Stanford University, Lisbon University Institute, and the Department of Sociology, University of Uppsala Box 821, 75108 Uppsala, Sweden, Email Ewa Roszkowska: Faculty of Economy and Management, University of Bialystok 15–062 Bialystok, Warszawska 63, Poland, Email

  • Urban water supply sector in India: setting the reform agenda for improving service delivery

    Ramakrishna Nallathiga: Programme Manager (Infrastructure & Environment), Centre for Good Governance, Dr Mcr Hrd IAP Campus, Road No. 25, Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad 500 033 (AP) INDIA E-mail:

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