Presentation of manuscripts
Manuscripts must be in English and the length of original articles should
not exceed 6000 words. They must be typed on one side only of international
standard size A4 paper, with a left-hand margin of 40 mm. The main
text should be double-spaced with headings and sub-headings clearly
indicated and placed on the left-hand side of the text. All tables,
figures, and equations should be numbered with Arabic numerals and
the measurements should be given in metric (SI) units. The manuscript
should be arranged in the order given below.
title (10 words is the desired maximum length), subtitle (if desired)
name, affiliation, full postal address, and e-mail, telephone,
and fax numbers (respective affiliations and addresses for co-authors
should be clearly indicated)
(not exceeding 200 words)
body of the text, suitably divided under headings
(each on a sepparate sheet)
(each on a separate sheet)
(each on a separate sheet)
Shorter items
The following shorter items are also welcome and must be typed in the same
way as major articles.
(research notes and short communications) and case studies (maximum
1500 words)
reviews (maximum 1000 words)
In the text, the surname of the author(s) followed by the year of publication
of the reference is to be given, e.g. (Hall 1993). Where there are
several publications by the same author(s) in the same year, use
notations 1993a, 1993b, etc. Up to three
authors can be mentioned in text references; four or more authors
should be shortened to the first three authors names followed
by et al. References must be listed alphabetically at the end of
the paper (double spaced) and should conform to the following style.
For journals
G R. 1990
Energy for planet earth
Scientific American 263(3): 5562
For books
J B and Strzepek K M. 1987
Industrial Water Use and Treatment Practices
London: Cassell Tycooly
For chapters of edited books
Y. 1992
Models and projections of energy use in the Soviet Union.
pp. 153
In International Energy Economics, edited by T Steiner.
London: Chapman and Hall
For grey literature
M and Jacobsen U. 1996
How conflicting goals concerning environment and transport
influence the policy process?
Paper presented at the Conference on Transport, Energy and
Environment, 34 October, Helsingor, Denmark
Footnotes should be minimized, and where unavoidable, should be indicated
in the text by superior Arabic numerals, which run consecutively
through the paper. They should be grouped in order of appearance
at the bottom of the concerned page in numerical order and must
be double-spaced.
Responsibility for the contents of the paper rests
upon the authors, not upon the editor or the publisher.
are accepted for refereeing on the understanding that they have
been submitted only to this journal and to no other journal.
author must not publish the same manuscript subsequently in another
journal. However, selected portions of the published paper may be
reproduced, provided that written approval has been received from
the publisher.
All authors must sign the Transfer of Copyright agreement before the article
can be published by TERI. This transfer agreement enables TERI to
protect the copyrighted material for the authors, but does not affect
the authors proprietary rights. The copyright transfer covers
the exclusive rights to reproduce and distribute the articles, including
reprints, photographic reproductions or any other reproductions
of similar nature and translations, and includes the right to adapt
the article for use in conjunction with computer systems and programs,
including reproduction or publication in machine-readable form and
incorporation in retrieval systems. Authors are responsible for
obtaining, from the copyright holder, permission to reproduce any
figures for which copyright exists.
One set of proofs will be sent to the author before publication, which
should be returned within 48 hours of receipt. Please note that
authors are urged to check their proofs carefully before return,
since late corrections cannot be accepted.
For information on editorial content, and to submit manuscripts and books
for review, please contact
Dr Leena Srivastava
Executive Director
Darbari Seth Block
Habitat Place, Lodhi Road
New Delhi 110 003
Tel. +91-11-2468 2100/2111
Fax +91-11-2468 2144/2145