Journal of Resources, Energy and Development (JREaD) New

Journal of Resources, Energy and Development (JREaD)

  • Frequency:2 issues a year
  • ISSN: 0975-7554
  • Online ISSN: 0975-7562
  • Periodicity: March and September
  • Size: 140 mm x 210 mm
  • Pages: 60
  • Weight: 75 gms

Journal Details

A biannual publication, REaD (Resources, Energy, and Development) focuses on research and integration of knowledge at the interface of resources and development. It provides a forum for comprehensive investigation, analysis, and review of subjects in the fields of energy, environment, and natural resource management that confront decision-makers, planners, consultants, politicians, and researchers. It deals with theoretical and methodological issues and case studies on the interrelationships among development, human activity, and resource use; explores sustainability issues and transitions; and facilitates dialogues between the scientific community and the society at large. Only original articles based on policy research and rigorous analysis are published.

Target Audience

    Why is REaD published? How is its purpose being fulfilled?

    A biannual publication, REaD (Resources, Energy, and Development) focuses on research and integration of knowledge at the interface of resources and development. It provides a forum for comprehensive investigation, analysis, and review of subjects in the fields of energy, environment, and natural resource management that confront decision-makers, planners, consultants, politicians, and researchers. It deals with theoretical and methodological issues and case studies on the interrelationships among development, human activity, and resource use; explores sustainability issues and transitions; and facilitates dialogues between the scientific community and the society at large. Only original articles based on policy research and rigorous analysis are published.


Show Abstract Issue -Vol.8(2) September 2011

  • Twenty-first century forest plantations: development of agroforestry in Haryana

    Ranjit Raina: Raina Farms. Email:, Surindar Singh Hara: Hara Farms. Email: , Valerie Hara: Hara Farms. Email: , and Lloyd C Irland: Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies at time this paper completed

  • Climate change resilience: can Joint Forest Management help Indian forest and communities?

    Alark Saxena: Doctoral candidate, Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies New Haven, CT 06511, USA Email:

  • New perceptions and practices for conserving and “developing” human ecosystems: lessons from the high Himalayas

    William Burch: Hixon Professor of Natural Resource Management (Retd) Yale University E-mail:

  • Institutional contexts, forest resources, and local communities in western India: a gendered analysis

    Firooza Pavri: Associate Professor, Department of Geography-Anthropology University of Southern Maine; E-mail:

  • Forests and forestry in South Asia: the challenges of sustainable management in a changing society

    C T S Nair: E-mail:, Chris Brown, Patrick Durst, and Jeremy Broadhead

  • Implementation of Forest Rights Act, changing forest landscape, and “politics of REDD+” in India

    Ashish Aggarwal: University of Manchester, UK. (, The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI), Delhi

  • Linking dynamics and locally important ecosystem services of South Indian dry forests: an approach

    Joachim Schmerbeck: Assistant Professor, Dept. of Natural Resources, TERI University E-mail:

  • Governance, insecurity, and conservation in South Asian Forests

    Lloyd C Irland: The Irland Group, Wayne, Maine, USA E-mail:

  • Book review : Protection of Himalayan Biodiversity: international environmental law and a regional legal framework

    Ananda Mohan Bhattarai. Sage Law Publications. 2010. 382 pp.; Reviewed by Costanza Rampini, Department of Environmental Studies, University of California, Santa Cruz

  • Book review : Managing Water in River Basins: hydrology, economics, and institutions

    M Dinesh Kumar. Sage. 2010. 320pp. Reviewed by Sujith Koonan, Environmental Law Research Society (ELRS)

  • Book review : Our Toxic World: A guide to hazardous substances in our everyday lives

    A project by: Toxics Link; Script by: Aniruddha Sen Gupta; Illustrations by: Priya Kuriyan; Price: Rs 395; Publisher: Sage, New Delhi Year of publication: 2010 Reviewed by Max Martin, DPhil research scholar, University of Sussex, UK

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