Let's Save the Rain: A Book on Rainwater Harvesting (Hindi)
Book Details
Rainwater is the purest form of water on earth and water is a cyclic resource that is continuously cycled innature and can also be reused for various activities after it is cleaned. Don’t you agree then that harvesting rainwater is something that should be a popular practice? Ancient India was well ahead of time, and civilizationas early as Indus Valley already had excellent rainwater harvesting system. But, as we progressed along with the rest of the world, we abandoned our traditional practices; and at present we are trying to reintroduce the ancient conservation techniques and integrate them with the new technology to address our water scarcity.
Let’s Save The Rain not only talks about the traditional and modern rainwater harvesting systems, but it is a short introduction to this important water conservation technique. The concept, its uses, and its close relationship with the environment are beautifully elucidated with experiments, DIYs, and math calculations. This book is an easy read that explores the concepts and increase awareness about rainwater harvesting.
About the Author
Neha has more than fifteen years of experience in environmental management and outreach activities, with expertise in water resources, waste, energy, environment law, and climate change. Her work largely focuses on education for sustainable development. She is also actively involved in cutting-edge research on education for sustainable development and has authored books for organizations, such as UNESCO, the MoP, POSOCO,and Tata Steel. She has not only written for students and teachers, but has also developed other IEC materials for corporates, multilaterals, government and rural and urban communities. A multi-faceted professional, she combines her love for writing and her passion for environmental advocacy in this book. In the longer run, she is interested in developing and promoting long-term sustainable solutions to water supply and waste-water issues for a cleaner and better tomorrow.
Table of Contents
• Our Water: Where It Comes From?
• Understanding Water Scarcity
• What Is Rainwater Harvesting?
• Methods of Rainwater Harvesting
• Rainwater Harvesting System
• Let’s Do the Math!
• Doing Our Bit
• Design and Play
• Lesson Learnt
• Interesting Facts
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