Framework for Infrastructure Regulation
- Author(s): S Sundar
- Size: 140 mm x 210 mm
- Pages: 266
- Binding: Paperback
- Weight: 350 gms
- Language: English
- ISBN: 81-85419-77-9
- Cover Price:
Rs.200.00 / US $12.00
- Special Price: Rs. 180.00 / US $11.00
Book Details
Following the recommendations of the national conference on Transition to a liberalized environment: experiences and issues in regulation, TERI has prepared the Framework for Infrastructure Regulation. The book examines the rationale for independent regulation in infrastructure sectors, outlines India's emerging regulatory framework in these sectors, and makes recommendations covering aspects of regulatory framework, including scope, independence, accountability, and powers of regulatory authorities. It discusses regulators' relations with the government, with other regulators at the central and state levels, and with the competition agency, and recommends certain measures in this regard. It enumerates steps for better protection of consumer interests in the new regulatory environment. The book recommends the constitution of a task force for a re-look at the regulatory reforms as a subject and the enactment of an overarching legislation on regulation. It calls for examining the case for a multi-industry regulator in the infrastructure sectors, stresses the need for continued research on regulation, and suggests training of various stakeholders including regulators. It also discusses various issues on regulatory legitimacy and calls for effective strategy for communicating such legitimacy.
Table of Contents
Need for regulatory
reforms in India
Emerging regulatory
reforms in India
Annexe A: Summary
of recommendations
Annexe B:
Comparative provisions under the TRAI (Telecom Regulatory Authority of India)
Act, 1997 read with TRAI (Amendment) Act, 2000; Port Laws (Amendment) Act, 1997;
and the ERC (Electricity Regulatory Commissions) Act, 1998
Annexe C:
Comparative provisions under the ERC (Electricity Regulatory Commissions)
Act, 1998 and the OER (Orissa Electricity Reform) Act, 1995