Are we ready to dig in? New

Are we ready to dig in?

  • Duration: 5 Minutes
  • Language: English
  • Cover Price: Rs.200.00 / US $10.00
  • Special Price: Rs.180.00 / US $9.00


Reduce, Reuse, Recycle- an adage many of us have heard many a times. But it is simply not working for many cities in India. By some estimates, Delhi alone generates 9,000 tonnes of waste every day. Most of this goes to the landfills around the city and the story is no different for the 5100 cities across the country. Overtime, the organic waste in these landfills generates methane which among other things also adds to global warming.  The film talks about the ‘Landfill gas cleaning and flaring technology’ which can be an environment-friendly solution for the rising mounds of landfill sites in our cities.

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