TERI Bookstore
World Digital Libraries: An International Journal (WDL)
Vol.15(2)  December 2022
Print ISSN : 0974-567X
Online ISSN : 0975-7597

Topic Modelling and its Application in Libraries: a review of specialized literature

M. Lamba, Department of Library and Information Science, University of Delhi, Delhi – 110007, (E): lambamanika07@gmail.com

Prof. M. Madhusudhan, Department of Library and Information Science
University of Delhi, Delhi – 110007, (E):  madhusudhan@libinfosci.du.ac.in

DOI: 10.18329/09757597/2022/15207


Text mining application is one of the most trending and highly researched areas in social sciences. To date, library professionals’ knowledge of text mining tools and practice is mainly limited, resultantly, the library community poorly understands the full range of issues related to text mining. This article provides information on applying a text mining approach called topic modelling in the library and information science domain. Topic modelling is a text mining approach that determines a generative model for documents. This article maps how topic modelling can be used in libraries through various databases during 2009–22 period. It was found that the gap between information users and librarians can be bridged by text mining training. The study concludes that librarians must develop text mining skills to meet their patrons’ needs.