List of Figures
Energy and Environment: An Overview
- Energy mix in 2017/18
- Sankey diagram for 2017/18
- Trend in coal consumption
- Industry-wise consumption of raw coal
- Coal transportation by various modes for 2017/1
- Total balance recoverable crude oil and natural gas reserves in India
- Trend in domestic crude oil production
- Crude import, product imports, and total imports (in '000 MT)
- Trend in natural gas imports and the share of imported natural gas in overall supply
- Installed generating capacity in India by mode (utilities)
- Growth of gross electricity generation in India by mode
- Growth of renewable energy sources (till April 2019)
- Cumulative biomass power, gasification, and bagasse cogeneration projects
- Final energy consumption in India by sector
- Electricity consumption in the agriculture sector
- HSD and LDO consumption in the agriculture sector
- Trends in electricity consumption in the industry sector
- Consumption of selected petroleum products
- Trend in diesel and electricity consumption by railways
- Trends in growth of residential consumers of electricity, total consumers of electricity, and per capita consumption of electricity (in %)
- Consumption of electricity by the domestic sector from 2008/09 to 2017/18
- Percentage distribution of households by primary energy source for cooking (2001/02 and 2011/12)
- kWh in BU for commercial building segments in the next 10 years and 20 years
- Commercial and residential energy consumption by use
- Annual ambient concentrations of (i) SO2 and (ii) NO2 pollutants across the country (2008–17)
- Annual ambient concentrations of PM5 across the country (2014–17)
- Annual ambient concentrations of PM10 across the country (2008–17)
- Municipal solid waste management status in India
- Per capita water availability in relation to population
- Trend of average water table in India from 1980 to 2015
- Percentage of land area under various uses in 2015/16
- Land-use change from 2010/11 to 2014/15
- CO2 emissions (in MTCO2) in India as compared to GDP (PPP)
- CO2 emissions within subsectors in India
Sankey diagram for 2016/17
Coal and Lignite
- Coal reserves in India as on 1 April 2018
- Production of coal from opencast and underground mining (from 2008/09 to 2017/18)
- Trend in coal consumption (from 2008/09–2017/18)
- Trend in lignite consumption (from 2008/09–2017/18)
- Industry-wise consumption of raw coal
- Domestic coal pricing trends in the power sector
- International coal pricing trends
- Coal transportation by various modes for 2017/18
- Country-wise import of coal to India in 2017/18
- Mode of fly ash utilization during 2017/18
Petroleum and Natural gas
- Total balance recoverable crude oil and natural gas reserves in India
- Basin-wise ultimate hydrocarbon reserves as on 31 March 2018
- Basin-wise in-place hydrocarbon reserves as on 31 March 2018
- Trend in domestic crude oil production
- Crude import, product imports, and total imports
- Crude import, product imports, and total imports
- Country-wise crude oil imports by India
- Trend in production of petroleum products from refineries and fractionators
- Trend in petroleum products’ consumption in India
- Status of petroleum products’ consumption during 2018/19
- Trend in domestic natural gas production
- Trend in natural gas (in the form of LNG) imports and the share of imported natural gas in overall supply
- Trend in consumption of natural gas by different sectors
- Trend in consumption of imported and domestic natural gas by different sectors
- Crude throughput of Indian refineries
- Trend in gross refining margin of Indian refineries
- Trend in subsidies for the sale of petroleum and natural gas in India
- Total indirect tax collection from the petroleum sector and its share in the total indirect tax collection
- Contribution of taxes from the oil and gas industry to the central exchequer
- Trend of excise duty on petrol and diesel vis-à-vis crude oil price in India
- Contribution of taxes from the oil and gas industry to the state exchequer
- State-wise collection of sales tax/VAT/SGST/UTGST from the oil and gas industry in 2017/18
- Trend in retail selling price and taxes of gasoline in India vis-à-vis other countries
- Trend in retail selling price and taxes of diesel in India vis-à-vis other countries
- Trends in the price of domestic gas produced in India on GCV basis (in $/MMBTU)
- Trend in the geographical areas offered and awarded under City Gas Distribution bidding
- Status of state-/UT-wise piped domestic, commercial, and industrial connections
- Installed generating capacity in India by mode (utilities) as on 31 March 2019
- Installed generating capacity in India by sector (utilities) as on 31 March 2019
- Growth rate of installed generating capacity in India (2018/19)
- CAGR of installed generating capacity in India (2011–18)
- Growth rate of electricity generation in India (2018/19)
- Growth of gross electricity generation in India by mode
- CAGR of electricity generation in India (2012–19)
- PLF of coal- and lignite-based power plants
- Power supply position: energy
- Power supply position: peak
- Growth rate of peak demand and met (2011–19)
- Growth rate of energy requirement and availability (2011–19)
- Sector-wise electricity consumption pattern
- Electricity intensity of economy
- Per capita electricity consumption
- AT&C and T&D losses
- Sustainable Development Goals
Renewable Energy
- Linkages of other SDGs to SDG 7 (Renewable Energy)
- Grid power sources and their percentage shares (till April 2019)
- Growth of renewable energy sources (till April 2019)
- Top 10 Indian states by renewable capacities
- Installed solar capacity (2015–19)
- Top Indian states by grid-connected installed solar capacity
- Solar tariff (till March 2019)
- Top 10 states by targets rooftop capacities
- Top 10 countries with annual PV capacity addition
- State-wise wind energy potential at 100 m above ground level
- Growth of wind energy sector (till July 2019)
- Monthly electricity generation from wind energy (from April 2018 to March 2019)
- State-wise installed capacity as on June 2019 and target achieved
- Cumulative biomass power, gasification and bagasse cogeneration projects (up to June 2019)
- State-/UT-wise cumulative commissioned biomass power, waste-to-power, and bagasse cogeneration grid-connected projects (up to 30 June 2019)
- Family-size biogas plants (up to June 2019)
- State-/UT-wise maximum waste generation and processing in urban areas in India (as on 31 December 2018)
- Cumulative waste-to-energy/power projects (up to June 2019)
- State-wise ethanol manufacturing capacity in India
- Year-wise cumulative installed capacity till June 2019
- Tidal energy potential
- Target for geothermal energy deployment
- Production of different agricultural products in India
- HSD and LDO consumption in the agriculture sector
- Electricity consumption in the agriculture sector
- Region-wise electricity consumption in the agriculture sector
- Production of urea, diammonium phosphate, and other complex fertilizers (in MT)
- Trend in GHG emission from the agriculture sector in India (in GgCO2e)
- Percentage share of major farm machineries used in Indian agriculture
- Farm power availability and foodgrain yield
- Share of major crops in the gross cropped area in India
- Number of tractors sold
- Number of power tillers sold
- Number of diesel and electric pumps used in India
- Selected state-wise area covered under microirrigation (drip and sprinkler) in India
1 Share of different processes in crude steel production
- World transport sector energy balance
- Share (in %) of GHG emissions in transport sector in India
- India transport sector energy balance
- Total number of registered motor vehicles in India
- Trend in electrification of route network of railways
- Gauge-wise growth in network of Indian Railways
- Addition made to capacity through new lines, gauge conversion, and doubling of lines by the Indian Railways over last 10 years
- Trend in passenger traffic movement on Indian Railways
- Trend in railways freight segment earnings on average rate per tonne kilometre basis
- Trend in fuel consumption in the Indian Railways
- Share of commodity groups in total traffic at major ports in 2017/18
- Growth in capacity in Indian shipping industry in terms of number of vessels and gross tonnage
- Trend in passenger load factor of scheduled Indian airlines in the domestic market
Household Energy
- Source of lighting in Indian households (2001–11)
- Growth in per capita consumption of electricity, residential consumers, and total consumers of electricity (in %)
- Residential consumers of LPG in India
- Percentage of power consumed by residential sector out of total power consumed by all sectors
- Consumption of LPG and kerosene in the residential sector
- Active consumers of LPG in the residential sector
- Consumption of LPG in the residential sector
- Residential consumers of electricity
- Consumption of electricity in the residential sector
- Consumption of electricity by sectors in India in 2017/18
- Consumption of electricity (in %) by segments of commercial buildings
- Kilowatt hour in billion units for commercial building segments in the next 10 years and 20 years
- Commercial energy consumption by use
- Residential energy consumption by use
- Building typologies as per ECBC, 2017
- Building typologies as per Eco-Niwas Samhita, 2018
- HVAC system load breakup (in %)
- Energy-efficient building design process
- Building form and orientation for passive design
- Shading design strategies
- Structural and thermal loads
- Façade with different window-to-wall ratio
- Daylighting as a passive design strategy
- Types of ventilation
- Energy reduction with increase in design indoor temperature
- Percentage growth of cooling requirement in India
Air Quality and Pollution
- Annual ambient concentrations of different pollutants across the country during 10 years’ time
- State-/UT-wise average ambient air quality status of different pollutant parameters for the period 2008–17
- Sectoral contribution to ambient (a) PM10 and (b) PM5 Institutional framework of air quality governance in India Solid Waste Management
- Trajectory of average MSW generated in India between 2011 and 2019 (in g/capita/day)
- MSW management status in India
- Municipal solid waste composition for waste received from Gurugram
- Status of solid waste treatment
- Major e-waste contributing states/union territories in India
- Composition of plastic waste in major plastic waste generating cities in India (as of 2015/16)
- GHG emissions from solid waste disposal sites and reduction potential
- Emission points from MSW sector
- India’s GDP growth rate
- Population projection for India along with urban growth share
- Status of MSW generation in each state of India
- Major recycling infrastructure in some states of India
- Plastic waste generation in Indian states/UTs
- Management of plastics in India
- Average constituents of C&D waste
- C&D waste generated in major cities of India
- C&D waste management in India
- C&D waste recycling in a typical recycling facility
Water resource Management
- Per capita water availability in relation to population
- (a) Category of groundwater exploitation in monitored blocks in India and (b) the number of groundwater assessment units
- Depth to water-level maps for (a) pre-monsoon and (b) post-monsoon in 2016
- Trend of average water table in India from 1980 to 2015
- Number of districts with fluoride in groundwater above the permissible limit
- Number of locations in different states with arsenic concentration in groundwater above the permissible limit (0.01 to 0.05 mg/L and > 05 mg/L)
- Number of districts with electrical conductivity in groundwater above the permissible limit
- Number of districts with iron in groundwater above the permissible limit
- Number of districts with nitrate in groundwater above the permissible limit (45 mg/L)
- Net irrigated area in India from 1950 to 2018
- Access to safe drinking water in rural households (in %)
- Access to safe drinking water in urban households (in %)
- BOD trends of waterbodies in India (in mg/L)
- Total coliform (in MPN/100 mL) trends of waterbodies in India
- Faecal coliform (in MPN/100 mL) trends of waterbodies in India
Land and Forest resource Management
- Percentage of land area under various uses in 2015/16
- Land-use change from 2010/11 to 2014/15
- Linkage of Sustainable Development Goal 15 to other Sustainable Development Goals
- Area under agriculture
- Forest cover in terms of percentage to the total geographical area
- Trend analysis of forest cover in India between 2003 and 2017
- Forest area of six regions of the country along with annual fire alerts
- Fire alerts in different density classes
- Trend in afforestation from 2007/08 to 2014/15 by MoEFCC
- Endemic and threatened endemic species of India
- The area under protected areas in India
Climate Change
- Annual total number of extreme climatic events in India from 1978 to 2006
- All-India annual mean temperature anomalies for 1901–2018 (based on the 1971–2000 average)
- Spatial patterns of liner trends of (a) maximum and (b) minimum temperatures
- Spatial pattern of trend (in°C/100 years) in mean annual temperature anomalies (1901–2018) Decadal means of all-India summer monsoon rainfall (in percentage departure from mean)
- All-India annual rainfall (in percentage departure from mean) for 1901–2018 (based on the 1961–90 average)
- Sub-divisional trends of (a) seasonal and (b) monsoon rainfall for 1901–2003 Time series of active (upper panel) and break (lower panel) during the monsoon season
- Cyclone tracks of depressions and cyclonic storms formed during 2018: monsoon season and (b) other seasons
- Emission trends across four major CO2 emitters
- CO2 emissions (in MTCO2) in India in comparison to GDP (PPP)
- CO2 emissions within subsectors in India
- Emissions by fuel type in India
- Comparison of coal cess collected, amount transferred to, and financed from projects recommended under NCEEF