World Digital Libraries: An International Journal (WDL)

World Digital Libraries: An International Journal (WDL)

  • Frequency:2 issues a year
  • ISSN: 0974-567X
  • Online ISSN: 0975-7597

Journal Details

World Digital Libraries is an international peer-reviewed biannual journal. The journal seeks quality research papers that present original theoretical approaches. It also seeks experimental case studies related to digital library developments, maintenance and dissemination  of  digital information focusing on research and integration of knowledge at the interface of resources and development. The journal will, therefore, keep readers abreast with the current developments and contain articles, reviews, current developments, and case studies, encompassing the following areas.

  • Theoretical and methodological issues that relate to the interrelationships among   electronic resources management, digital preservation, multiple access, multilinguality, copyright issues, and security aspects.
  • Theoretical approaches as well as experimental case studies related to digital library development  and maintenance. 
  • Initiatives towards digitization through lucid case studies.
  • Current developments across the globe.
  • Dialogues between the scientific community and society at large.


Show Abstract Issue -Vol.10(1) June 2017

  • Editorial

    Michael Seadle
    Dean, Faculty of Arts, and Director, Berlin School of Library and Information Science, and Editor, Library Hi-Tech, Germany

  • Large-scale Metadata Harvesting—Tools, Techniques and Challenges: A Case Study of National Digital Library (NDL)

    Samrat Guha Roy:  Assistant Librarian, Central Library, IIT Kharagpur; (E):

    B Sutradhar: Librarian, Central Library, IIT Kharagpur, and Co-Project Investigator, National Digital Libraries (NDL) Project, India; (E):

    Partha Pratim Das: Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, IIT Kharagpur; Joint-Project Investigator, NDL Project and Head, RM School of Engineering Entrepreneurship, IIT Kharagpur; (E):

    DOI: 10.18329/09757597/2017/10101

  • Text Analytics Applied to Indian Politics

    Madhu G Nadig; KAnOE - Centre for Knowledge Analytics and Ontological Engineering, PES University, Bengaluru, India

    K N Bhargav: KAnOE - Centre for Knowledge Analytics and Ontological Engineering, PES University, Bengaluru, India

    Kavi Mahesh: School of Computing and Decision Sciences, Great Lakes International University, Sri City, India, (E):

    DOI: 10.18329/09757597/2017/10102

  • Exploring the Usability of Library Services through Smartphone: A Case Study of Indian Institute of Management, Lucknow–Noida Campus

    Kavita Chaddha: Assistant Librarian, Indian Institute of Management, Lucknow–Noida Campus, Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India; (E):

    DOI: 10.18329/09757597/2017/10103

  • Design and Development of Library Website of Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education: An Experimental Study

    Parvin S L Kureshi: Library and Information Assistant, Central Water and Power Research Station, Pune, India (E):

    Akhilesh K S Yadav: Assistant Professor, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai, India; (E): 

    D D Pednekar: Scientific Officer-D, Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education, TIFR, Mumbai, India; (E):

    DOI: 10.18329/09757597/2017/10104

  • Reengineering of College Library Services through Web Technology

    Ganesh Ramdas Sanap: Librarian, MTES’s Doshi Vakil Arts College and G.C.U.B. Sc. and Com. College, Goregaon, District Raigad, Maharashtra, India, (E):

    DOI: 10.18329/09757597/2017/10105

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