TERRAVISION: Global warning! (Hindi)

TERRAVISION: Global warning! (Hindi)

  • Duration: 22 minutes
  • Language: Hindi
  • Cover Price: Rs.400.00 / US $20.00
  • Special Price: Rs.360.00 / US $18.00
  • View the montage


Climate change is one issue that is going to determine the future of humanity. Deforestation, industrialization, the changing lifestyles, and other changes have resulted in rising temperatures. Soon, rainfall patterns may change; sea level may rise, threatening millions all over the world. Countries like India whose economies are largely agricultural and heavily dependent on rainfall could be the worst affected. Focusing on the challenges and threats of climate change, 'Global warning!' urges to act today. Tomorrow may be too late.

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TERRAVISION(13 Hindi CDs): a series of films on dangers, solutions and hopes