List of Tables

Chapter 2: Climate Change

2.1 Types of RCPs.

2.2 Probability statements regarding RCP scenarios

2.3 Level of CO2 emissions .

2.4 E mission trends across four major CO2 emitters

2.5 Global emissions and emission gaps under the implementation of INDCs (median and range)

2.6 Categories, types, and region of tipping points

2.7 Current value of planetary boundaries

2.8 Planetary boundaries and climate change.

2.9 Initiatives and participants in NAZCA

Chapter 3: Depletion of Ozone Layer

3.1 Alternative options to the use of HFCs and HCFCs

Chapter 4: Loss of Biodiversity

4.1 Indication of species and ecosystems that will be lost by 2050 without management action.

4.2 Sales of cacti listed on CITES Appendix I on an Internet auction site and permits issued

by CITES parties in 2010.

4.3 Important conventions

4.4 Significance of prioritized areas, consequences of their loss, and the need for dovetailing protection strategies.

Chapter 5: Desertification

5.1 Economic impacts of land degradation

5.2 Estimates of national direct costs of land degradation in the 1980s as a proportion of GDP

5.3 Soil degradation by region in susceptible drylands (1990s, million ha).

5.4 The number of people residing in degrading areas by region, the number in million, and the share in percentage

5.5 Area and population percentages in land degradation classes (excluding bare, urban, and water areas)

5.6 The progress indicators

Chapter 6: Unsustainable Use of Natural Resources

6.1 Proportion of population using improved drinking water sources (%)

6.2 Level of water stress (2012): freshwater withdrawal as a proportion of available freshwater resources (%).

6.3 Proportion of countries in various stages of implementing national integrated water resources management plans or equivalent.

6.4 Summary results under baseline scenario

6.5 Top 10 countries with the largest crude oil resources in 2014.

6.6 Production from the top 10 holders of natural gas reserves in 2014.

6.7 Top 10 holders of coal reserves globally

6.8 Fossil fuel shares and per capita consumption (summary table)

Chapter 7: Environmental Pollution

7.1 Effects of various air pollutants

7.2 Pollutants from various industries

Chapter 8: Food Security and Safety

8.1 By region analysis of the distribution of hunger at a global level

8.2 Hazards that may occur in foods

Chapter 10: Education and Learning

10.1 Goals and strategies of Dakar Framework for Action

10.2 Goal, target, and indicators of MDGs on education  

10.3 Levels of education.

10.4 Future scenario of higher education opportunities of top 10 countries

Chapter 12: Energy for All

12.1 Proposed indicators for SDG 7 on sustainable energy.

12.2 People without access to electricity and relying on traditional use of biomass (in million)

Chapter 14: Assessing Progress of Millennium Development Goals

14.1 Official list of MDGs and targets

14.2 Targets and indicators for MDG 1

14.3 Measuring progress at regional level in accomplishing MDGs

14.4 Progress along a few MDG indicators measuring aspects of human development at region level.

14.5 ODA (net disbursement) to GNI share % for OECD-DAC nations.

Chapter 15: Sustainable Development Goals: Towards Agenda 2030

15.1 Sustainable Development Goals

15.2 Progress towards achievement of goals or commitments in key thematic areas

15.3 Classification of the proposed indicators by IAEG−SDGs.

15.4 Proportion of elements in each dimension  

15.5 Data availability for Goal 17.

Chapter 16: Measuring Progress

16.1 Population-weighted mean for happiness in the 10 regions of the world demarcated by population